Monthly:May 2017

AlexDJP at Neata cu Razvan si Dani

Alex has been interviewed by actual Antena Stars’s presenter Ameri Nasrin, which was at that time a news reporter for Antena 1’s tv series “Neata cu Razvan si Dani”. In this interview Alex speaks about how people are acting for having a look like a cinema star. You can see the interview below, by accessing the Antena 1 official website link.

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Bianca Voicu by AlexDJP

Bianca Voicu (Romanian TV Presenter, testimonial after photoshooting). The photoshoot took place in an abandoned railway station near Bucharest. Our objective was to take advantage of the autumn colours and promote one of Bianca’s best friends works (Bianca’s Dress). The gorgeous romanian TV presenter was one of my best models ever because she was made to stay in the front of the camera.

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